Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I started my new job last Friday and I worked again today. It is so nice to be learning new things every day that I would normally not learn. I am learning how to use a lot of different programs and how to do a lot of things with digital photos. I have found that I really like doing everything Sarah has given me to do even though others (including Sarah) think that some of the work is tedious and/or boring. I love it. I also really like having a list of things to do and then doing them and getting to cross them off the list. These all might seem like  really silly things to like or get excited about, but I like it! I am enjoying this job so much and can't wait until I feel more comfortable with Macs so I can do a lot more and stop asking silly questions like "how do you scroll down when there's no scroll bar?"

What I learned: I really like my job and actually look forward to going, which I have never felt in any job I've ever had (and I've had 8!)

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