Sunday, November 27, 2011

Side Effect of Pregnancy?

Tonight I attended Advent by Candlelight at my church. It was a beautiful event that included desserts, finger foods, wine, singing and a short program. In the program, we watched a "music video" of a song that Amy Grant wrote about how Mary felt being the mother of Jesus. The video however was just scenes from the movie The Nativity Story with the song playing over it. The scene specifically was when Mary and Joseph arrive in Bethlehem, Mary is on the verge of giving birth, Joseph has to find a place for her, they find a stable as a last resort and she then gives birth to Jesus.

I don't know if I can blame this on the fact that I'm pregnant or the fact that I am now a mother and have experienced childbirth and the joys of motherhood, but it took every ounce of self control I could find to not break out sobbing while watching this. It's pathetic, I know. But seriously, I don't know how I held up. I think this might be the first time I've seen a movie or anything with a scene like that in it since I gave birth and so it's hard to tell what the cause of my emotions really was (although truthfully, I'm sure it was a little of both). But in the end I saved my dignity (not because I would have lost it had I cried, but I would have lost it had I burst out audibly sobbing, which is what would have happened had I not been successful in containing this welling up of emotions).

What I learned: Being a mother/being pregnant makes me appreciate/empathize/remember when I watch things with other mothers/pregnant women, which apparently leads me to gush with almost uncontrollable emotion. Great?! (<-- insert interrobang here)

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