Friday, November 4, 2011

Movies Beginning With Y

My mom likes to play guessing games. I suppose you could say that I like playing them as well. While we were on the road today (my mom, Avery and I left this morning to drive to North Carolina to visit my brother Alex) and while Avery was napping, we decided to play a guessing game. Here's how it goes. The first person names a movie-Shawshank Redemption for example. The next person then has to come up with a movie that begins with the last letter of the previous movie, so in this case, an N. Simple, fun, and makes you think. Except there are an overwhelming number of movies that end in E, N or Y but there are a lot less movies that start with these letters. E and N we didn't get stuck on too badly, but after only about 10 Y movies, we were stuck. When we got to the hotel, we were determined to find more movies that began with Y since there clearly had to be more that neither of us could think of. Turns out, there just aren't that many movies beginning with Y. You would think there would be more movies that started with "you," "your," "young" or "yellow" but there aren't. I guess next time we'll just have to think of movies that end with different letters in order to keep the game moving.

What I learned: There aren't that many movies that begin with "Y."

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