Monday, November 14, 2011

Oh Brother

SIDENOTE: Some of you may have noticed that my posts weren't actually posted on the day that they are for. I think I failed to explicitly mention that I was on vacation in NC for 10 days and stayed at a place without internet access. Every night I typed up my blogs but only posted them every few days once I went somewhere with internet access. I meant to explain this earlier (in case any of you were racking your brains over how I posted something the night before but you didn't see it until the next night, because I know that all of your lives hinge on getting a new post from me) but failed to. So there it is. This post was also written on the correct day and not posted until the next day. Hopefully, this will be the last post that will have to be backdated!

Onto new frontiers! Today I taught my brother Blake how to play San Juan and he promptly beat me. This wouldn't seem like that big of a deal except that when I was in NC I taught Alex how to play and he beat me...three times. Apparently as much as I love games, I can't even beat people who have never played the games before and who I taught how to play! Now I usually don't win games because I most often play them at game night with the Sonnenbergs (who live and breathe games) and my husband, who is also awesome at games. I am completely okay with this as they are better than me and it is expected and I still have fun. But my brothers don't play games that often and now they're beating me, too! Maybe I should chalk it up to the fact that I'm such a good teacher, I teach them good strategies that work against me. Or maybe I just have super smart brothers. It's probably a little of both.

What I learned: My brothers are smarter than me :)

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