Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Symphony

Anyone who has met Avery most likely knows that he loves music. He dances, claps, sometimes even tries to sing along. In church he even dances to the psalms when they're in a minor key. Avery has been to a few choral concerts and has enjoyed them and been quiet except for when he occasionally tries to sing along. But, Avery has never been to a symphony concert. Tonight we went to the Davidson College Symphony Concert and he loved it! For the first two pieces he just stared in awe and listened intently. But then there were two songs with a bass soloist (singer, not the instrument) and while he liked it, he sometimes tried to sing along so I had to take him out until it was over. He wasn't loud and obnoxious by any means, but loud enough that we left so as to not be rude to everyone else.

It is intermission now actually and I plan on taking him back in towards the end since I just don't know how long his attention span will last (plus he gets antsy and wants to crawl around, specifically towards the stage). The last piece is Finlandia by Sibelius, one of my favorite pieces so I don't want to miss it. Plus, I think Avery will love the drums in that piece. So it's anybody's guess as to what Avery will prefer-singing, drums, piano, band or orchestra. Start making your bets now!

What I learned: Avery likes the symphony.

1 comment:

  1. I predict all of the above! I can't wait till he is big enough to start learning!
