Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Heartbeat and Job

Ok, so maybe the things I learned today are more things that I did, but if they have never been done before, then you learned something, right? I think so.

Today we heard the heartbeat of our second child. Somehow I think it was more unreal than the first one. I think with your first you are so excited that of course you tell everyone before you hear the heartbeat and don't think of anything bad that might happen. This time around, for whatever reason, I was more hesitant to announce that I was pregnant and decided to wait until hearing the heartbeat to announce it to the world (which I will do on facebook this week). Of course everything was normal and fine and I am indeed pregnant, but maybe because I'm chasing my toddler around all day, I don't spend all day thinking about the prospect of having another child like I did when we were having our first. I'm sure this is a phenomenon felt by most mothers with more than one child. Needless to say, we are still just as excited and were very happy to hear the heartbeat for the first time today.

Secondly, I got a job! Ok, again, I didn't "learn" this in the academic sense, but I learned from a friend that she was hiring and she called to ask me if I wanted the job, and bam, job accepted. I start on Friday and work 10 hours a week. I am so relieved to have found something so flexible and perfect.

What I learned: I am indeed pregnant with child #2 as evidenced by a strong and steady heartbeat this morning. I also am worthy hiring material.