Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Organizational Chaos?

I really like being organized. I really like organizing things, like putting things in neatly labeled files or folders and arranging things on shelves and in drawers. Weird, I know, but it's true. As much as I like organizing however, I think I realized something about myself today. I tend to be really organized at one point, and then I let things pile up to ridiculous heights. My desk will be COVERED in papers that need to be filed, stacks of thank you cards I need to write, a folder of medical bills, old programs and ticket stubs, receipts, random notes-all these things in chaos on my desk until one day I just can't take it anymore and I organize to my heart's delight.

I LOVE it. I love going through the massive stack of random papers, sorting them into piles, filing things away, putting other things in folders, rearranging things in my desk until it's all perfect once again. And I always tell myself, I will never let it get that bad again. I just need to take a few minutes every day to put things away (like I do so well in the rest of my house, which is kept meticulously organized and put away at all times despite having a toddler) and it will always be clean and organized...and then it never happens. I let it pile up again and then 6 weeks, 2 months or more goes by and I have to take hours to get it all organized again. This has happened so often that I think I subconsciously do this on purpose so that I get those few glorious hours of organizing every so often. I create the chaos so that I will have something to organize. Should I be seeing a therapist?

What I learned: I like organizing so much that I create messes so that I can later organize them.

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