Thursday, November 17, 2011


Tonight at choir rehearsal, we were asked to sing at all three services on Sunday when the schedule clearly states that we are only singing at two of them. This might seem like an odd thing to complain about but seriously, it's hard to get out the door at 7:15 to make it to church for warm up at 7:30 when your child doesn't usually get up for the day until 7:30 or 8:00. Luckily for us, my mom can get him ready and take him to church once he wakes up so that we don't have to wake him up to feed him and get him dressed when he is still tired and trying to sleep. But then I feel bad not getting my own kid ready for church or even bringing him to church. With that being said, I am excited for the services as it is Christ the King Sunday and we are singing some great music and best of all, there will be brass!

What I learned: I have to sing for all three services on Sunday; it'll be a long morning.

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