Friday, December 16, 2011

The Synonym Game

Tonight my mom, Avery and I went to game night at the Sonnenberg's. Gary had a new game to test, sent to him by the makers. It was called the Synonym Game. Basically, your team rolls the die, moves that many spaces, picks a card corresponding to the colored space you land on and then you have one minute to think of as many synonyms of the word on the card as the number you rolled on the die (so if you rolled a six at the beginning of your turn, you move six, pick a card, then have to think of 6 synonyms of that word). Each space has a letter on it, spelling the word "synonym." You have to successfully win the card on your turn to earn the letter of the space you are on. Whomever spells "synonym" first wins.

What I learned: 1. Thinking of synonyms with a time limit is harder than you might think, even for those of us who often play word games 2. There was not enough "variety" in the game to really spark my interest. For example, at one point, my team rolled 4 or 5 ones in a row, meaning we only had to think of one synonym for five turns, and suddenly we were over halfway done with the game. The game was a neat concept but it needs tweaking.

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