Saturday, December 10, 2011


I have a confession to make. Most days, I write down what I've learned for the day either by putting a note in my phone or starting a post but not finishing it. Then a few days later when I have more time I edit posts I didn't finish and post all the ones I'm behind. This explains why one day you might check and it looks like I haven't written an entry in four days, but then the next day, there will be five new entries, claiming to be from the previous five days. It's not exactly cheating. I do learn something every day and I do write it down, I just might not write the blog every day. I admit it would be easier if I did write one a day but lately it's been a bit hectic here as Avery got a fever for the first time tonight (I say that as I type this on Wednesday, but he got a sick on Saturday night, and was subsequently sick for five days). His, and therefore our, schedule has been off for days; he's not napping normally and some nights not going bed until midnight. The point of this story is that when sitting down tonight, Wednesday the 14th, I realized that I failed to write down what I learned on Saturday, 10 December. This is the first time this has happened. I feel like I failed at my mission to learn something new every day and write about it.

Needless to say, I'm sure I did learn something "today" and therefore do not count it as too much of a loss, other than this point being completely confusing to those of you reading it, wondering which day I'm talking about. I suppose it would be a lot easier if I just made myself write a new post every night and therefore avoid this debacle in the future. Duly noted.

What I learned: I should be more consistent with writing every night as it seems my method of writing five blogs in one go has proved to no longer be reliable.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously was confused by this. Thanks for clarifying!
