Sunday, December 4, 2011

Harry Potter

Today I went over to my dear friend Angela's house to watch all the special features from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. Warner Brothers is being lame and only putting the special features on the blu-rays for HP, so now I have to rely on the hospitality of my friends with blu-rays in order to enjoy the awesomeness that is Harry Potter (thankfully, they very willingly oblige).

I'm sure I could list about 20 random things that I learned while watching the special features today but I won't bore you with that. Instead I will just comment on the coolest thing: Warner Brothers is opening up Leavesden Studios for tours permanently! You can go and see all the actual sets and everything! And, it's completely affordable at only 28 pounds for adults. Too bad I don't know when my next trip to London will be :(

Check it out:

What I learned: Harry Potter will live on forever at Leavesden Studios for all to enjoy :)

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