Monday, December 5, 2011


Last night while I was walking Avery to sleep at 3am, I felt a sudden pang in my stomach, my mouth started watering and BAM, I was downstairs throwing up (after handing Avery off to a very tired and confused Jared). It was really random. When I got back to bed, I thankfully found Avery asleep (although I was kind of pissed because I had been walking him for an hour and then he fell asleep in 4 minutes with Jared...). I however could not fall back asleep as my stomach was reeling. Throughout the course of this morning, I got sick 8 more times. I was incapable of keeping down food. Soda crackers, chicken broth, a breakfast bar, water and tea all proved unsatisfactory to my innards and were thoroughly discarded soon upon arrival. To make me feel worse, I actually had jury duty today and had already postponed it twice due to nursing and now I had to literally call in sick for jury duty. Jared took care of Avery while I laid in bed and made several sprinting trips to the bathroom. By lunchtime I moved to the couch to make the trip to the bathroom much easier (and faster). My mom took over watching Avery when she got home. I was literally helpless. I didn't want to move, not even to roll over. What on earth did I have? I literally did nothing for Avery all day-I didn't change his diaper, feed him, put him down for naps, or put him down for bed. I did NOTHING.

By early evening, I was feeling better enough to sit up and my mom suggested I eat the BRAT diet. What on earth is the BRAT diet? Apparently it's what you should eat when you have an upset stomach: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. I personally would change bananas to broth, but that's because I hate bananas. So I had applesauce for supper and it was the only thing I kept down all day!

By 10:00pm I was feeling much better but decided to go to bed. Avery thankfully had the best night he's had in weeks and I woke up feeling more rested than I've felt in a year and a half. I am now completely better and chalk it up to either food poisoning or a 24 hour stomach bug. I have to admit though, I almost feel like it was worth getting sick to have an entire day off, do nothing and get tons of sleep and to finally feel rested. I seriously can't remember the last time I didn't feel tired.

What I learned: When you are spewing your guts out and can't keep anything down, remember the BRAT diet.

1 comment:

  1. Bizarre! I was the same kind of sick all day Sunday. Could only keep down apple juice and Cheerios. (Matt, my hero, took Z to the store just to get apple juice, as we don't normally keep it in the house but it was the only thing I wasn't repulsed at the thought of).

    Glad you're feeling better!
