Friday, January 20, 2012

Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries

Tonight I got to go to Game Night while Jared stayed home with Avery (we decided to try switching off going for awhile so at least one of us can play games uninterrupted for an entire night!). While there were only three of us there (Karen, Gary and me), I had a lot of fun. We played 5 games, including one new one I hadn't played before-Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries. The rules are basically the same as Ticket to Ride with just a few variations. The game can only be played with 2 or 3 people. I really liked this version because it was different enough from the first one to present challenges (like people blocking your routes; trying to find your cities on the new map) and the routes were shorter which meant you went for a lot more routes throughout the game. There were also tunnels and ferries in some of the routes, which required different cards to complete. And the best thing was, I won! I actually won 3 of the games we played, which is amazing for me.

What I learned: How to play Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries.

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