Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ricky Gervais

Many of you have seen the British Office and are therefore familiar with Ricky Gervais. I would presume that if one were to describe him to someone who was unaware of his person, you might use terms that would reflect that he is a larger man, chubby perhaps. Well tonight I was watching TV and saw a commercial for the Golden Globes. Ricky Gervais is hosting again this year and to my surprise, he is skinny. I mean, I almost didn't recognize that it was him at first except that the voice was undeniably Ricky Gervais'. It's not that he was so large before that it was unbelievable that he lost maybe 25-30 pounds, it's just that he looked the same for so long and now he looks so...slim. After the commercial, my mom declared, "He was funnier when he was bigger." Haha. It probably just wasn't a very good commercial.

What I learned: Ricky Gervais lost weight.

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