Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Scary Incident

I got a text from my Aunt Marie today asking me to tell my mom to call her brother Jack as my cousin Jace (age 15) was in the hospital (she is in the Czech Republic visiting her dad). I thought that maybe he was in the hospital again regarding his previous two foot surgeries, that maybe he just had an infection or something related to that. Boy was I wrong.

Apparently a few days ago, Jace had the same sort of virus that Avery had, which caused him to contract illness-induced asthma. He was prescribed medicine and an inhaler I think. Then today, he was having a hard time breathing so Jack decided to take him to urgent care. On the way there however, Jace passed out in the car, turned blue and his eyes rolled to the back of his head! They made it to the hospital and they had 10 people working on him to stabilize him. He had to be put on a ventilator because he wasn't breathing on his own since his airways were so compromised. He also had to be put on a feeding tube and they decided to try to keep him unconscious for 7-10 days. At this point, they have no idea if he will incur any brain damage from the lack of oxygen during the drive to the hospital. I am praying that he will be ok and that Avery's doesn't get anywhere close to being that severe!

What I learned: My cousin is in the hospital trying to recover from a similar virus that Avery had. Please pray for his recovery.

UPDATE: I am adding this update to this post on Tuesday, 3rd January. Jace is doing wonderfully! He turned around incredibly fast. As of today, he is no longer on the ventilator or the breathing tube. He is talking and acting completely normal, so there is no brain damage! He gets to leave the hospital tomorrow after they do some allergy tests to make sure that he didn't have an allergic reaction and that it was indeed just an illness-induced asthma attack.

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