Thursday, January 26, 2012

More babies!

This morning Avery and I went to playgroup. We haven't been in awhile because a)there hasn't been one lately and b)Avery missed the last two because he was ill. This playgroup had the biggest turn out of any playgroup we've ever had. There were 19 kids there I think! I met some new moms as well as meeting some new babies. One of my friends who was due to have her baby sometime in January showed up with her baby and I had no idea she had had him yet! I felt completely out of the loop but it's my own fault because I haven't been on facebook for weeks and that's the only way I would have found out anyway. It made me realize that as dumb as it might sound, I really need to keep up with facebook more as it's how I remain in contact with so many people and how I find out news, like people having babies!

What I learned: My friend had her baby a few weeks ago (and I completely missed it!).

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