Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ugly Name List

Back in 2009, before I was even pregnant, my mom sent me an email with a list of all the names she doesn't like, you know, just so I knew. So today, Jared and I were going over our name list and I have a folder with lists of names in it that we made when I was pregnant with Avery. In the same folder, I put mom's list. I was looking over it again since I haven't looked at it since 2009 and I noticed that Avery was on the list! Oh no! Sorry mom, I didn't consult the list first :) I brought this up to her and she said (which she told me before, but I didn't realize it was on her all-time ugly name list because of this) that she just associated the name with this comedian named Avery Schreiber that she found annoying. But as soon as we named her first grandchild Avery, the association moved to thinking of our Avery instead and she likes the name now. This just proves that maybe I should use the list to name all of my children in order to move some good names off of that list!

What I Learned: Mom used to think Avery was an ugly name.

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