Saturday, April 21, 2012

Maternity Photo Shoot

Today I did a portfolio photo shoot for Sarah (with Fresh Frame Photography).  This basically meant that Sarah will use the photo shoot for her portfolio, so she got to try a few things to see how they turned out so she knows what works and what doesn't work for future photo shoots.  The photo shoot was really involved, with multiple locations and outfit changes.  The surprising part was that I really enjoyed it, despite it being 40 degrees outside and having to wear dresses, go barefoot, and lay on the beach, pretending it was summer.  I was shocked because I usually a)don't like getting my picture taken, b)feel really uncomfortable trying different things that I might possibly look weird doing or that passersby can plainly see.  I can honestly say that I mostly have Sarah to thank for making me feel really comfortable and relaxed but I also just think that being pregnant (and possibly just being older) makes me feel way less self-conscious about what other people think and I find that I really like that.  I hate to say it, but I used to be more self-conscious about things than I ever should have been and am glad to see that I am not like that anymore.  I guess I never really realized that I changed until I had to pose in front of a  camera and think summery thoughts instead of worrying about what the other people on the beach might be thinking about how crazy I was to lie on the beach!

What I learned: I am less self-conscious than I used to be, which allowed me to participate in an amazing photo shoot with wonderful results (thanks Sarah!).

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