Friday, April 13, 2012

Pest Control

Today, I saw the first centipede (of probably MANY more to come) in the house.  Last year, we had them   all summer along with these blond spiders in our kitchen.  I keep my house so ridiculously clean, but apparently that doesn't matter and they still are crawling around on my walls!  For some reason, I just assumed that pest control didn't cover centipedes and spiders as I always thought of them as covering ants, roaches and bees (which is what people use them for in Georgia).  I decided to call a few places just to see what was covered and to find out how much it cost.  Turns out that all pest control places (the four I called at least) cover centipedes and spiders!  On top of that, it was a lot cheaper than I thought to get them to come out year round to spray your house.  The cheapest I found was $378 for the entire year.  This company would come every quarter to spray but if you had a problem in between treatments, they would come out and treat again.  I was so excited about this and just thought that of course we would get this because why would we live with centipedes in our house when we could get rid of them?

Apparently, I forgot that money doesn't grow on trees, and when you live on a tight budget with no disposable income, coming up with $378 is literally impossible.  So alas, we are not getting pest control.  However, I am bound and determined to find a way to get rid of these damned centipedes!

What I Learned: Pest control can get rid of centipedes...if you can afford it.

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