Tuesday, October 25, 2011

While Avery Napped

This may seem like a cop out for my first entry, but trust me, it's not.  For anyone who's a mom, I'm sure you can sympathize with me on this one.  My wonderful son is not the best sleeper.  He has lately been so inconsistent with naps that I can't really get anything done during them as one day they will last 30 minutes and the next an hour and a half.  Instead of starting something only to get it partly done and being frustrated, I usually get around to doing nothing when he naps.  I might watch TV or read a magazine or play on my phone, waiting for him to wake up.  This might sound like it would be a great time to at least relax for 30 minutes, but usually I'm waiting in anxious anticipation, just wondering when I will hear him wake up.  Today however (and for a week or so) he would not go down for a morning nap. Instead he went down at 2:30 and slept for THREE HOURS.

Granted, I did not know this was going to happen, but I had so much to do that I decided to just start going down my to-do list until he woke up.  I ended up getting so much done including: making a menu for the week, making a grocery list, dwindling my email inbox down from 188 emails to 47, responding to a lot of emails, catching up on my friend's blog, getting some mail together and starting to set up this blog.  If Avery decides to make this an every day ritual, then I can actually tackle some projects that have been sitting by the wayside since before he was born.  However, it might have just been a fluke.

What I learned: I can be very productive when Avery takes a nice long nap.

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