Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have never used before, specifically the "name your own price" feature. This is mostly due to the fact that I am leery of paying for something before I know exactly what I'm paying for. However, I know a few people who have used it before and have never heard any complaints. So when it came time for me to book a hotel in Milwaukee (I am getting a Day of Solitude, courtesy of my wonderful husband, where I will be leaving on Friday morning, 2 March and not returning home until the following afternoon. I have never left Avery for this long or overnight and think it will be hard, but I also haven't slept for more than 3-4 hours in a row in almost 2 years, so I need a break before baby #2 arrives! And I digress...) I decided to try it out. I only wanted to spend $40 at a hotel but wanted to stay in the Glendale area. Thinking that this would never happen, I filled out all the required information, gave them my credit card info, clicked "submit" and waited, assuming that it would come back saying that no hotel took my offer (I also said I required at least a 2 star hotel). But to my surprise, it came back with a 3 star hotel that took my offer! The Northshore Radisson Inn in Glendale had accepted my offer. I went to their website and pretended to buy the same room on the same night and it cost $130. And I got it for $40! What an awesome deal! I think I'll be using Priceline again.

What I learned: You can get awesome deals on

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