Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jury Duty

I failed to mention yesterday that I was at jury duty all day. I have always wanted to do jury duty, and after having to postpone it three times, I finally was able to go in this week. I really wanted to get on a case. Yesterday afternoon around 3:30, my name was finally called for a jury panel. I was so excited. About 30 other potential jurors and I went into the courtroom and underwent about an hour and 20 minutes of questioning. I was sure after all of this that I would be picked for the case. It was 4:58 and the prosecutor and the defense lawyer were still deciding on their jury when the judge said that there was no time left for them to finish. By law, we all had to be out by 5:00 because court was closed, so they couldn't read out the list of names anytime after 5:00 as it had to officially be on the record and be before 5:00. This meant that we all had to come back in the morning just for them to read the jury list to us to know if we made it on the case!

So this morning we all headed back into the courtroom and were read the final list of names. I was not chosen :( I was confused by this until I remembered that one of the last questions they asked was if anyone had a college degree. Those who did had to say what their degree was in and where they went to college.  I don't think a single person who said they went to college got put on the jury. The case was a battery and domestic violence case so maybe they thought educated people would be more biased or judgmental? I'm not sure, but I am sad I wasn't chosen. Now I won't get called back for at least 4 more years, even though I wasn't even on a jury. Boo.

What I learned: I did not get picked for a trial at jury duty.

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