Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cream Cheese Pillows

Today I made some cookies to bring with to MN for my Uncle Harold's funeral as the family will be providing dessert after the funeral. I first made some no-bake cookies, a family favorite. I then decided to make something I have never made before. I looked in various cookie cookbooks that I have and settled on making Cream Cheese Pillows. This recipe has dough made out of butter, cream cheese and flour which is rolled into a ball and then refrigerated for four hours. Then you roll the dough very thinly and cut it into 2.5 inch circles. In each circle you put 1/4 teaspoon of raspberry jam, then fold it over and press the ends together with fork tines. While the process was easy, it was really time consuming, especially rolling out the dough, which took me about 45 minutes. After the mini pastries bake for 10 minutes, you dip them in a cinnamon-sugar mixture. While these "cookies" took a long time to make, they turned out to be delicious.

What I learned: How to make cream cheese pillows.

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