Saturday, February 25, 2012


I have never been the type of person who enjoys hot weather. This is due to the fact that I lived in Georgia for 18 years, being sticky and gross and uncomfortable for most of the time. I hate it. So when it comes to going on vacations, I have also never been the type of person who would ever want to go someplace warm or tropical. For our honeymoon, Jared and I went on a cruise in the Mediterranean in November when most people would have gone to the Caribbean for a cruise to get away from the Wisconsin winters.

However, after reading Moloka'i (see earlier post) and then watching The Descendants tonight, both of which take place in Hawaii, I really want to go there. Now I have always wanted to go to all 50 states (I think I've been to 35-40 of them) so in that sense, it's not that I didn't want to go to Hawaii. But now I want to plan a vacation there. I mean, I really really want to go. Maybe Jared and I can go there for our 5 year wedding anniversary next year...but probably not. Too bad flights are ridiculously expensive these days. :(

What I learned: I actually want to go on a vacation to Hawaii.

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