Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dilated to 2!

This morning I went to see my midwife for my weekly appointment. She checked me and I'm already dilated to 2 cm, 40% effaced and the baby is in station -1. Yay!  Avery was this "far along" a few weeks ahead of schedule, so this doesn't mean I will have the baby anytime soon necessarily; it's just that much less work I have to do once I'm in labor, so I'm all for that :)

What I Learned: I am dilated to 2 cm already.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Muppets

Today, Avery and I watched the new Muppet movie, The Muppets. He LOVED it, and I quite enjoyed it myself.  I am glad we both liked it as now we have something else to watch besides Sesame Street.  Not that I don't like Sesame Street, but I have seriously seen every single episode several times and am up for something new.  Watching the movie made me want to see The Muppet Show as I don't think I've ever actually seen any episodes.  I also think that would be nice to watch with Avery because I would enjoy it better and Avery loves anything with people and Muppets (he has never liked any cartoons). I looked online and I can get all the seasons from the library. Yay!

What I Learned: Avery liked the Muppet Movie and I can get The Muppet Show from the library.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Little Henrietta

Today in church I found out that an acquaintance of mine (and a friend of Neal and Blake) gave birth to her baby prematurely.  There were a lot of medical complications that indicated that the baby would not make it and doctors had previously recommended that she terminate the pregnancy; she didn't.  The baby lived for only a short time and was able to be baptized before she was taken to heaven.  It's simultaneously a very sad and very happy story.  What a blessing for the parents to be able to hold their little girl and baptize her, even if only for such a short time.

What I Learned: Henrietta was born alive and was baptized, thanks to the grace of God, before she was taken to forever home in heaven :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Old Friend

This morning, Jared, Avery and I went to McCarty Park to play on the playground. Upon arrival, I realized that there was a Lutherans for Life Walk/Run going on in the park so of course I immediately started looking to see if I knew anyone there.  I unfortunately didn't recognize anyone. After the race had begun, I saw a pregnant woman arrive at the playground with two kids and realized it was my friend Meg, whom I haven't seen probably since right after Avery was born!  I had heard that she was pregnant but didn't know when she was due.  After talking to her, I found out that she is having a boy and is due on July 10th.  Her two older kids (I think they are 4 and 6), were huge since the last time I saw them (obviously 2 and 4 is a lot different than a 4 and 6 year old!).  It's crazy how fast time flies when you haven't seen someone.  The ironic thing is that they live about 6 blocks away...we've gone on several walks in that direction and always stop at their house but they just have never been home, and next thing we know, it's been a year and a half!

What I Learned: My friend Meg is having a boy in July.